関口 聖火子
Mihoko Sekiguchi
版画家 [Printmaking Artist]
I draw imaginary landscapes and the nature of Japan.
I wish to express natural phenomenon in a fantastic manner.
I also want to express the state of my mind
through the lithograph medium softly and colorfully.
These are landscapes that you may have seen someday,
though it may also be a dream, or perhaps something you will see in the future.
It will not by determined by factors of time and place.
At times they will be more realistic panoramic scenes,
and at others they may be an imaginary landscape which goes beyond reality.
I currently find myself on this trip going back and forth between reality and fantasy.
- CV ( English )
[ プロフィール ]
1964 | 千葉県生まれ |
1987 | 女子美術大学 芸術学部絵画科洋画(版画)専攻卒業 |
[ 公募展・国際展 ]
2021 |
2021 Texture printmaking studio international exchange(台北-台中-台南,台湾) 第3回ノヴォシビルスク グラフィックアートトリエンナーレ(ノヴォシビルスク、ロシア) 第10回FEI PRINT AWARD(FEI ART MUSEUM YOKOHAMA、神奈川) 第64回CWAJ現代版画展(オンライン) カダケス国際ミニプリント展(スペイン) [2019、2020] 日本版画協会 版画展(東京都美術館) [1986年より95、96、2011年を除き毎年出品] |
2020 |
Worldwide prints project 展(イタリア) 第2回TKO国際ミニプリント展(東京-京都-大阪) CWAJ Open Print Art Gallery(オンライン) |
2016 |
国際版書展「版図拡張」(桃園、台湾) |
1987 |
国際小版画展(アメリカ) トロント国際ミニアチュール版画展(トロント、カナダ) 第3回中華民国国際版画ビエンナーレ(台北、台湾) |
1985 |
<期待の新人作家>版画大賞展(りゅう画廊、東京) |
[ 個展 ]
2020 | 個展(Oギャラリー、東京) |
2017 | 個展(Oギャラリー・Ups、東京) |
2008 | 個展(Oギャラリー、東京) |
1998 | 個展(ギャラリー獅子座、千葉) |
1997 | 個展(ギャラリー代々木、東京) |
1995 | 個展(三木ギャラリー、東京) |
[ 主なグループ展 ]
2022 |
バレンタイン現代美術展(B Gallery , 東京) |
2021 |
ラトビア・日本版画小品展(つぎのカーブ、東京) プリントザウルス国際版画交流協会~35年のあゆみ~(FEI ART MUSEUM YOKOHAMA、神奈川) 蒼穹の版画展(木ノ葉画廊、東京) ガレリア版画展(スペース・ガレリア、千葉) Miyayama and Friend Artists of the World展(ギャラリー宇、千葉) |
2020 |
「版画ハ楽シ」版画5人展(汐花、東京) 版翔展(木ノ葉画廊、東京) ガレリア版画展(スペース・ガレリア、千葉) 「日本からの物語展」(マーク・ロスコアートセンター、ラトビア) プリントザウルス小品展(アートスペースユーメリア、東京) |
2019 | 色とりどりでバラエティ豊かな楽しい版画展 (汐花、東京) |
2018 | おくりもの展(木ノ葉画廊、東京)[2016年] |
2017 | プリントザウルス小品展(国立コートギャラリー、東京) |
2007 | 田村文雄 退官記念、女子美版画卒業の作家展(東和ギャラリー、東京) |
2000 | 二人展(ギャラリー伸、東京) |
1992 | グループ展(Gアートギャラリー、東京) |
1990 | グループ展(ギャラリー21+葉、東京) |
1989 | 二人展(木ノ葉画廊、東京) |
1988 | グループ展(女子美画廊・ハートランドギャラリー、東京) |
1986 |
二人展(銀座アートショップノムラ、東京) グループ展(銀座ふそうギャラリー、東京) |
[ 受賞 ]
1987 | 女子美術大学 芸術学部絵画科洋画(版画)専攻卒業制作 [優秀賞] |
1986 | 全国大学版画展 [買い上げ賞](丸の内画廊、東京) |
1984 | 住友ミニアチュール版画展 [佳作賞](新宿住友ビル、東京) |
[ 収蔵 ]
[ 所属 ]
一般社団法人 日本版画協会会員
[ Profile ]
1964 | Born in Chiba |
1987 | Graduated from Joshibi University of Art and Design, Tokyo |
[ Selected exhibitions,etc ]
2021 |
2021 Texture printmaking studio international exchange , Taiwan The 3rd Novosibirsk Graphic Art Triennial , Russia The 10th FEI PRINT AWARD , Japan The 64th CWAJ PRINT SHOW , online , Japan Cadaques International Mini print , Spain [2019, 2020] Exhibition of the Japan Print Association ,Tokyo [Every year from 1986 excluding 95,96, 2011] |
2020 | Worldwide prints project , Italia The Second TKO International Mini print Exhibition , Tokyo CWAJ Open Print Art Gallery , online , Japan |
2016 | Expanding the Scope of Printmaking 2016 International Exhibition , Taiwan |
1987 | International Small Prints Exhibition , USA Toronto International Miniature Print Exhibition , Canada The 3rd International Print Biennale of the Republic of China , Taiwan |
1985 | <long-anticipated New Artist>Print Grand Prize Exhibition , Tokyo |
[ Solo Exhibitions ]
2020 | Solo Exhibition, O Gallery , Tokyo |
2017 | Solo Exhibition, O Gallery Ups , Tokyo |
2008 | Solo Exhibition, O Gallery , Tokyo |
1998 | Solo exhibition, Gallery Shishiza , Chiba |
1997 | Solo exhibition, Gallery Yoyogi , Tokyo |
1995 | Solo exhibition, Miki Gallery , Tokyo |
[ Two-person exhibition, group exhibition, etc. ]
2022 |
Valentine Contemporary Art Exhibition , B Gallery , Tokyo |
2021 |
Latvia・Japan-Mini Print Exhibition, Gallery “Next curve” ,Tokyo The Exhibition of the Printsaurus International Print Exchange Association of Japan , FEI ART MUSEUM YOKOHAMA, Kanagawa Group exhibition, Gallery Konoha , Tokyo Group exhibition, Space Galleria , Chiba Exhibition of the Miyayama and Friend Artists of the world, Gallery U , Chiba |
2020 |
Prints 5 People Exhibition, Gallery SEKKA , Tokyo Group exhibition, Gallery Konoha , Tokyo Group exhibition, Space Galleria , Chiba “STORIES FROM JAPAN “, Mark Rothko Art Centre , Latvia Printsaurus Miniprint Exhibition , Art Space Eumeria , Tokyo |
2019 | Japan・France Group Exhibition , Gallery SEEKA , Tokyo |
2018 | “Presents” Exhibition ,Gallery Konoha , Tokyo [2016] |
2017 | Printsaurus Miniprint Exhibition , Kunitachi Court Gallery , Tokyo |
2007 | TAMURA Fumio Retirement Commemoration Joshibi Prints Graduation Artist Exhibition , Towa Gallery Ginza, Tokyo |
2000 | Two-person exhibition, Gallery Shin , Tokyo |
1992 | Group Exhibition, G Art Gallery , Tokyo |
1990 | Group Exhibition, Gallery 21+ Yo , Tokyo |
1989 | Two-person exhibition, Gallery Konoha , Tokyo |
1988 | Group Exhibition, Joshibi Gallery, Heartland Gallery , Tokyo |
1986 |
Two-person exhibition, Ginza Art Shop Nomura , Tokyo Group Exhibition, Ginza Fuso Gallery , Tokyo |
[ Prize ]
1987 |
The Works for Graduation from Joshibi University of Art and Design, Department of Western-style Painting (Print Making) [Excellence Prize] |
1986 |
The National University Print Exhibition [Purchase Prize] ,Marunouchi Gallery , Tokyo |
1984 |
The Sumitomo Miniature Print Exhibition [Honorable Mention Prize] ,Shinjuku Sumitomo Building , Tokyo |
[ Collections ]
Tikotin Museum of Japan Art, Israel
[ Affiliations ]
The Japan Print Association
Printsaurus International Print Exchange Association of Japan